About Laura Odorici

Laura Odorici graduated from Coros Drama Academy - founded by Arteficio Cultural Association - in 2005. Following her acting diploma, she worked as an actor, director and playwright in several productions in Bologna, Italy.


As a drama teacher, she has staged musicals and plays with students from kindergarten to secondary school - among which are "My Fair Lady" (2007), "The Importance of Being Earnest" (2009), and "Romeo and Juliet" (2010).



Her acting credits include "The Country Wife" by William Wycherley, "The Barber of Seville" by Beaumarchais and "The Three Musketeers" adapted from Alexander Dumas, along with numerous children's plays, several scenes from Shakespeare and Dante, and the role of Constanze in "Amadeus" (2009/2010)


Following her move to Cork, she retrained through the Cork College of Commerce for four years under the guidance of Miriam Daly, culminating in the Fellowship of Speech and Drama with the Victoria College of Music and Drama (London) in 2017. In 2015, she directed Scoil Mhuire Junior School's 60th Anniversary play "Practically Perfect Mary"; ten years later, to commemorate the school's 70th anniversary, she wrote and directed the whole school production "The Marvellous Land of Oz", inspired by the works of L.F.Baum, which was staged at the Everyman Theatre. 



Among her theatrical adaptations for young performers:


- This Wooden O: Enchanting Scenes from Shakespeare (soon available for download)

- Love and Other Riddles: Scenes from Regency and Victorian Classics with a Humorous Spin (soon available for download)


She has also co-authored a play with her mentor Dario Turrini, "No God by My Side - Agamemnon's Dawn", and is currently working on her first original play for the Quill&Ink Society project

Get in touch with Laura Odorici

Interested in drama workshops, writing classes, or storytelling events? Contact Laura Odorici today to start your creative journey.